
Hunter Intranet

At Hunter, we have recently launched a Hunter Intranet, where our employees can keep abreast of our latest company news, events and team members. There have been several reasons why we have invested in an internal portal for our company, which we would like to share with you below:

Improving communication: Our company and the projects we are working on can change very quickly, so it is really important to keep everyone up to date as soon as possible.

Document access: Sometimes, our staff require one of our main documents quickly, which is why we have used our intranet not only to communicate to employees but also to ensure they have access to our HR policies, our compliance and marketing templates, and company logos in an easy-to-access platform.

Environmental benefits: All companies are beginning to look at how to be more environmentally friendly, and although we always promoted a more sustainable way of working, we have found that using the intranet to share company information cuts down the number of emails employees will receive every day and potentially printing of articles, newsletters and event information.

An interactive workspace: Hunter currently use a number of platforms to interact with each other, however, we see the intranet as a more informal communication platform, for instance wishing someone a happy birthday or congratulating them on a job well done. In the future, we want to expand our intranet to look more like a social media platform, where our employees can get to know each other on a more personal level.